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Web of Science & InCites

This guide provides an overview of the Web of Science and InCites databases.

View Reports

Report section on InCites landing page with a link to Explore reports.Report drop-down menu options.

There are two ways to view a report:

Selecting Explore reports to view overview reports or Create a new report

Choosing the Report drop-down menu to go directly to overview reports for an Organization, Researcher, or Publisher.

Overview reports are pre-made reports that include visualizations and tables on topics such as Research Performance, Collaboration, and Most Cited Documents. 

Watch the video below to find out more.

Researcher Report

The Researcher Report provides a quick overview on a researcher's performance.

The report is broken out into three categories:

Research Output: shows information about the researcher's production and performance.

Collaboration: indicates what institutions with which they collaborated.

Most Cited Documents: includes a table of their documents. The documents are viewable in Web of Science and the table can be downloaded for further analysis.

Researcher report

Text Version

Researcher Report - Quick Overview on Researchers Performance

  1. Select Researcher Report
  2. Select ResearcherID or ORCID
  3. Define the data range and ESCI
  4. View updated analysis on Research output, Collaboration and Most Cited Documents

Organization Report

The Organization Report gives you a quick overview on an institution's performance. 

The report is broken out into four categories:

Research Performance: gives you insight into the institution's production.

Collaboration: shows the level of international collaboration and top collaborating organizations.

Journal Utilization: includes Journal Performance, Cited Journals, and Citing Journals.

  • Journal Performance: Can help improve your publication strategy by selecting journals, where your publications perform better.
  • Cited Journals: Journals that are often cited by your authors and therefore are key to your institution.
  • Citing Journals: Journals that often cite your authors and therefore are key to your institution.

Most Cited Documents: includes a table of documents on Web of Science. The documents are viewable on Web of Science and the table is downloadable for further analysis.

InCites Reports - Organization report

Text Version

InCites Reports - Organization Report

Quick overview on institutions performance, collaboration and publication strategy

  1. Select Organization Report from the Report menu
  2. Select your institution, define the time frame and select/de-select Emerging Sources Citation Index
  3. View the updated Research Performance, Collaboration, Journal Utilization reports and Most Cited Documents
    • Research Performance: Analyze productivity, trends and key categories
    • Collaboration: Analyze collaboration with countries and institutions
    • Journal Utilization: Publication strategy and citing/cited journal analysis
    • Most Cited Documents: View most cited documents

Publisher Report

The Publisher Report includes a quick overview of a publisher's performance.

The report is broken out into four categories:

Publishing Output: includes a publishing profile and output trends.

Open Access: shows all open access publishing output, gold open access publishing output, and a gold open access publishing profile.

Most Cited Documents: includes a table of highly cited documents on Web of Science. The documents are viewable in Web of Science and the table is downloadable for further analysis.

InCites Reports - Publisher Report

Text Version

InCites Reports - Publisher Report

Quick overview on a publishers, performance including output, impact, research areas and Open Access

  1. Select Publisher Report from the Report menu
  2. Select the Publisher, define the time frame and select/de-select Emerging Sources Citation Index
  3. View the updated Publishing Output, Open Access, Most Cited Documents and Organizational Publication Profile
    • Publishing Output: Analyze output, trends, key research areas and trended performance
    • Open Access: Analyze Open Access publishing
    • Most Cited Documents: View most cited documents for publisher
    • Organizational Publication Profile: Analyze an organizations contribution to a publishers performance

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