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Web of Science & InCites

This guide provides an overview of the Web of Science and InCites databases.

Exporting Results

  • Single article: While on a single article's webpage, click Export and select RIS to export to a citation manager such as Zotero.
  • Group of articles: When on the results page either select all and deselect unwanted articles, or manually select individual articles you would like to export. Then click Export and select RIS to export to a citation manager such as Zotero.
  • There is more information about the Citation Management tools in our Citations research guide.

An article is selected with the Export drop-down menu options.

Saving Results

  • In order to save results you must create an account. 
  • Single article: On the article's webpage select Add To Marked List and either Create new list or add to a previous list to organize your resources. 
  • Group of articles: On the results page either select all records and deselect unwanted records, or manually select individual records. Then select Add To Marked List and either Create new list or add to a previous list to organize your resources. 

An article is selected with the Add to Marked List drop-down menu options.

Search Alerts

  • Once you have an account, you can create search alerts for your topic to receive email notifications of new articles returned by your search as they are added to the database.
  • To do this you will run your search and then on the results page select Create Alert.

Search results page with buttons for Analyze Results, Citation Report, and Create Alert.

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