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Subject Liaison Librarian Program at NJIT: Home

This guide provides information about the subject librarian liaison program.

Each reference librarian at NJIT is assigned as a liaison to a number of different departments on campus and acts as a single point of contact for individuals (faculty and students) in those departments with more in-depth or subject-specific needs.

Department / School / College Librarian Email Phone
Architecture, Art and Design

 Maya Gervits, PhD
 Kennedy Jones
(973) 642-4390
(973) 596-5755
Biological Sciences  Bob Vietrogoski (973) 642-4950
Biomedical Engineering  Bob Vietrogoski (973) 642-4950
Chemical and Materials Engineering  Bob Vietrogoski (973) 642-4950
Chemistry and Environmental Science  Bob Vietrogoski (973) 642-4950
Civil and Environmental Engineering  Jill Lagerstrom (973) 642-4977
Computer Science  Zoë Mooneyhan (973) 642-8498
Data Science  Zoë Mooneyhan (973) 642-8498
Electrical and Computer Engineering  Jill Lagerstrom (973) 642-4977
History  Bob Vietrogoski bob.vietrogoski@njit.eduu (973) 642-4950
Humanities and Social Sciences  Michelle Kudelka (973) 642-8499
Informatics (IS and IT)  Zoë Mooneyhan (973) 642-8498
Management and Business  Annie Chatterjee, EdD (973) 596-3259
Mathematical Sciences  Zoë Mooneyhan (973) 642-8498
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering  Jill Lagerstrom (973) 642-4977
Physics  Jill Lagerstrom (973) 642-4977
School of Applied Engineering and Technology  Zoë Mooneyhan (973) 642-8498
Albert Dorman Honors College  John Kromer (973) 642-4397

What subject liaisons can do for you: 

  • Develop library resources, instruction, and services for course curriculum.
  • Provide you with research help.
  • Keep you abreast of advances and trends in scholarly communications.
  • Assist faculty with strategies to locate and use Open Educational Resources (OER)
  • Develop library collections to support the curriculum and community
Each reference librarian at NJIT is assigned as a liaison to a number of different departments on campus and acts as a single point of contact for individuals in those departments with more in-depth or subject-specific needs. 

Liaison Librarian


Annie Chatterjee, EdD

(973) 596-3259

Martin Tuchman School of Management

  • Management and Business

Office of Research


  • EdD in Higher Educational Leadership, Rowan University
  • MLIS in Library and Information Science, Pratt Institute
  • MLS in Information Studies, Sofia University


Maya Gervits, PhD

(973) 642-4390

Hillier College of Architecture and Design

  • Architecture, Art and Design


  • PhD in Art and Architectural History, Institute of Art History
  • MLIS in Library and Information Science, Rutgers University
  • MA in Art History, Academy of Fine Arts


Kennedy Jones

(973) 596-5755

Hillier College of Architecture and Design

  • Architecture, Art and Design


  • MLS in Library Science, Indiana University
  • MA in Art History, Indiana University


John Kromer

(973) 642-4397

Albert Dorman Honors College



  • MA in Library and Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • MS in Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Michelle Kudelka

(973) 642-8499

Jordan Hu College of Science and Liberal Arts

  • Humanities and Social Sciences


  • MSI in Library Science, Florida State University
  • BS in Sociology with a Certificate in Behavioral Forensics, University of Central Florida


Jill Lagerstrom

(973) 642-4977

Jordan Hu College of Science and Liberal Arts

  • Physics

Newark College of Engineering

  • Civil and Environmental Engineering 
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


  • MIDT in Instructional Design and Technology, Seton Hall University
  • MLIS in Library and Information Science, Rutgers University

Zoë Mooneyhan

(973) 642-8498

Jordan Hu College of Science and Liberal Arts

  • Mathematical Sciences

Newark College of Engineering

  • School of Applied Engineering and Technology

Ying Wu College of Computing

  • Computer Science
  • Data Science
  • Informatics (IS and IT)


  • MSLS in Library Science, University of Kentucky
  • BA in Art History, Coastal Carolina University

Bob Vietrogoski

(973) 642-4950

Jordan Hu College of Science and Liberal Arts

  • Biological Sciences
  • Chemistry and Environmental Science
  • History

Newark College of Engineering

  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemical and Materials Engineering


  • MLS in Library Science, University of Maryland
  • BA in English, Yale University

NJIT librarian liaison program began in 1992. Each NJIT reference librarian is assigned one or more academic departments and acts as a single point of contact for those faculty and students in such departments who require in-depth or subject-specific assistance. Each reference librarian is expected to:

  • Develop subject expertise relevant to the disciplines of each assigned department; keep abreast of recent technical advances and trends.
  • Provide faculty and students with Information searching assistance.
  • Act as a single point of contact between individual users and the library to provide literature searching services and other customized information products. Maintain ongoing, information contacts with library users in order to obtain information about their work and feedback on library products and services.
  • Consult with NJIT faculty, administrative, and research personnel to learn of research projects which are underway or planned.
  • Work with the academic departments to establish library user groups; lead periodic meetings. Meet regularly with users throughout the departments and attends technical programs in the departments.
  • Promote library services to potential users; devise and make user information presentations on library services and products. Devise displays and promotional publications.

New Jersey Institute of Technology
University Heights, Newark, New Jersey 07102-1982
(973) 596-3206
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