[#] Author(s) Initial(s). Surname(s), “Title of thesis,” M.S. or B.S. thesis, Abbrev. Dept., Abbrev. Univ., City of Univ., Abbrev. State, Year.
Referencing elements to cite:
- [#] Reference number (matching the in-text citation number)
- Author’s first initial. Author’s second initial, if provided. Author’s last name(s)
- Title of thesis, in lowercase and double quotation marks
- M.S. thesis for Master’s thesis or B.S. thesis for Bachelor’s thesis
- Abbreviation of the Academic Department, Faculty or College that awarded the degree
- Abbreviation of the University
- City of University
- State Abbreviation
- Year of Publication
[2] M. T. Long, "On the statistical correlation between the heave, pitch and roll motion of road transport vehicles," Research Master thesis, College of Eng. and Sc., Victoria Univ., Melb., Vic., 2016.