Email |
An email (N. Rahman, personal communication, September 2, 2014) confirming that results are accurate ... |
You do not need to include an entry in the Reference List. |
Interview |
During an interview conducted on October 11, 2015, Professor Peter Dawkins, Vice-Chancellor, Victoria University, stated that …
The Vice-Chancellor's statement was confirmed during an interview (P. Dawkins, Vice-Chancellor, Victoria University, personal communication, October 11, 2014). |
You do not need to include an entry in the Reference List.
This example is about referencing information from an interview that you have conducted.
Letter |
In a letter dated October 17, 2013, Jackie Hammill stated that ...
Jackie Hammill expressed understanding in her letter (personal communication, October 17, 2013) ... |
You do not need to include an entry in the Reference List. |
Telephone call |
During a phone interview conducted on June 12, 2015, Professor Chris Perera stated that ...
The Professor's statement was confirmed during a phone interview (S. Richards, personal communication, July 21, 2015). |
You do not need to include an entry in the Reference List. |