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IEEE Citation Guide

This guide provides specific examples of how to cite different material types in IEEE referencing style.

Basic format to reference a print book

[#]     Author(s) Initial(s). Surname(s), Title of the Book, xth ed. City of Publisher, (U.S. State or Country if the City is not ‘well known’): Publisher, Year of Publication, pp. xxx–xxx.

Referencing elements to cite:

  • [#] Reference number (matching the in-text citation number)
  • Author’s first initial. Author’s second initial, if provided. Author’s last name
  • Add Ed. or Eds. after author(s) surname(s) if author(s) are also editor(s) of the book, for example, C. Baird and C. Ludlow, Eds., Design of ...
  • Title: Subtitle of the Book in italics. Important words of the title are capitalised, but not minor ones, such as ‘and’, ‘of’, ‘on’, etc.
  • ​If the book is a second or subsequent edition, include the edition statement, e.g.  5th ed.
  • Place of publication. Refer to Place of publication for information on the correct format of locations
  • Publisher
  • Year of publication. 
    • If the publication date of the work cannot be determined, provide the abbreviation n.d. in the place of the year in the publication details eg. n.d.or [1690?]
  • Page number(s) if appropriate. Page numbers are cited as p. for a single page or pp. for multiple pages. Refer to Page numbers section for more information on how to provide page number(s) for in-text citations.


[1]     R. Merchant and S. Saxena, Engineering. Chicago, IL: Britannica Educational Publishing, 2016.

[2]     R. E. Ziemer and W. H. Tranter, Principles of Communications: Systems, Modulationand Noise, 7th ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2015, pp. 13–17.

Chapter in an authored print book

If you wish to reference only a single chapter of a book when the author(s) of the chapter are the same as the author(s) of the book:

[#]     Chapter Author(s) Initial(s). Surname(s), "Title of chapter in the book," in Title of the Published Book. City of Publisher, (U.S. State or Country if the City is not ‘well known’): Publisher, Year of Publication, ch. x [chapter number], or sec. x [section number], pp. xxx–xxx [page range].


  [3]   N. B. Vargafik, J. A. Wiebelt, and J. F. Malloy, "Radiative transfer," in Convective Heat. Melbourne: Engineering Education Australia, 2011, ch. 9, pp. 379–398.

If you want to further refer to and cite another chapter of the same book, provide the details of an entire book only once in the reference list, but provide specific pages in the text of the paper along with in-text citations, for example: ‘in [2, p. 379]…’, ‘furthermore, as seen in [2, pp.395–396]’, etc.

Chapter in an edited print book

In an edited book, chapters are contributed by various authors, chosen and guided by an editor who is the authority in the relevant field, and needs to be acknowledged. When citing a chapter or similar part of an edited book, include the chapter author(s), the chapter title in quotation words, and editor(s) name(s).

[#]     Chapter Author(s) Initial(s). Surname(s), "Title of chapter in the book," in Title of the Published Book, xth ed., vol. x, Editor(s) Initial(s). Surname(s), Ed. or Eds. City of Publisher, (U.S. State or Country if the City is not ‘well known’): Publisher, Year of Publication, ch. x [chapter number], or sec. x [section number], pp. xxx–xxx [page range].


 [4]   H. C. Hottel and R. Siegel, "Film condensation," in Handbook of Heat Transfer, 2nd ed., W. C. McAdams, Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011, ch. 9, pp. 78–99.

 [5]   W. M. Rohsenow, "Heat transmission," in Thermal Radiation Properties, vol. 3, M. W. Catton and J. P. Hartnett, Eds. New York: Macmillan, 2012, ch. 9, pp. 37–62.


Basic format to reference an electronic book

[#]    Author(s) Initial(s). Surname(s), Title of the E-book, xth ed. City of Publisher, (U.S. State or Country if the City is not ‘well known’): Publisher, Year of Publication, pp. xxx–xxx. Accessed on: Abbreviated Month Day, Year.​ [Online]. Available: site/path/file (doi:xxxxx, database or URL)

Referencing elements to cite:

  • [#] Reference number (matching the in-text citation number)
  • Author’s first initial. Author’s second initial, if provided. Author’s last name
  • Title: Subtitle of the Book in italics. Important words of the title are capitalised, but not minor ones, such as ‘and’, ‘of’, ‘on’, etc.
  • If the book is a second or subsequent edition, include the edition statement, e.g.  5th ed.
  • Place of publication. Refer to Place of publication for information on the correct format of locations
  • Publisher
  • Year of publication
    • If the publication date of the work cannot be determined, provide the abbreviation n.d. in the place of the year in the publication details eg. [1690?] or n.d.
  • Page number(s) if applicable. Refer to the Page numbers box on this guide for further information
  • Accessed on: Month, Day, Year. Where there is a DOI available, do not include access date. Refer to the Abbreviated month section for further information.
  • [Online]
  • Available: site/path/file location of an electronic book, which can be a DOI, a library database provider or a full URL. 
    • It is preferable to provide a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of an e-book
    • If a DOI of the e-book is not available, provide the Victoria University database provider. Refer to DOI in IEEE for further information
    • For electronic resources found on the Internet include the full URL


[6]     H. Schmidt-Walter and R. Kories, Electrical Engineering. A Pocket Reference. Boston: Artech House, 2007. Accessed on: Oct. 16, 2016. [Online]. Available:

[7]     H. H. Gaynor, Leading and Managing Engineering and Technology, Book 2: Developing Managers and Leaders. IEEE-USA, 2011. Accessed on: Oct. 15, 2016. [Online]. Available:

Chapter in an authored electronic book

[#]     Chapter Author(s) Initial(s). Surname(s), "Title of chapter in the book," in Title of the Published Book. City of Publisher, (U.S. State or Country if the City is not ‘well known’): Publisher, Year of Publication, ch.x [chapter number], or sec. x [section number], pp. xxx–xxx [page range]. Accessed on Month, Day, Year. [Online]. Available: site/path/file (doi:xxxxx, database or URL)


[8]     G. H. Gaynor, "Dealing with the manager leader dichotomy," in Leading and Managing Engineering and Technology, Book 2, Developing Leaders and Mangers. IEEE-USA, 2011, pp. 27–28. Accessed on Jan. 23, 2017. [Online]. Available:

Chapter in an edited electronic book

[#]     Chapter Author(s) Initial(s). Surname(s), "Title of chapter in the book," in Title of the Published Book, xth ed., vol. x, Editor(s) Initial(s). Surname(s), Ed. or Eds. City of Publisher, (U.S. State or Country if the City is not ‘well known’): Publisher, Year of Publication, ch. x [chapter number], or sec. x [section number], pp. xxx–xxx [page range]. Accessed on: Month, Day, Year. [Online]. Available: site/path/file (doi:xxxx, database or URL)


[9]     M. Cvijetic, "Optical transport system engineering," in Wiley Encyclopedia of Telecommunications, vol. 4, J. G. Proakis, Ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2003, pp. 1840–1849. Accessed on: Feb. 5, 2017. [Online]. Available:

Further Examples

Material type In-text example Reference List example
Book: Single author

The thermodynamics aspects of the heat exchangers for the high-capacity coolers have been studied in [6], and it is shown …

[6]    R. E. Ziemer, Principles of Communication Systems, 7th ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2015.

Note: Refer to Place of publication for information on the correct forms of countries, cities and U.S. states.

Book: Two or three authors

Cheng and Wirtz [7] developed a thermal energy storage device ...


Jones, Van Basten, and Atakan stated in [8, pp. 6-9] that....

 [7]     M. C. Cheng and R. Wirtz, Mechanical Vibration and Analysis, 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2015.

[8]     I. Dincer, A. Midilli, and H. Kucuk, Progress in Exergy, Energy, and the Environment. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2014. 

Note: Where there is no edition or volume number, the title is followed by a full-stop rather than a comma. Also note the placement of a comma (also called the Oxford Comma) before the connector ‘and’ and the third author in the in-text and the reference list examples.

Book: Four to six authors

Krishnan at al. [13] proposed a hybrid heat sink concept which combines active and passive cooling approaches.

[13]   R. Krishnan, B. K. Smith, D. Kuljanin, and F. Aban, Hybrid Heat Sink Assembly for Electronic Heating. Melbourne: Victoria University, 2011.

Book: More than six authors

According to Mytschell et al. [1], Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a technique ... 

Note: Provide 'et al.' after the first author in the text of the paper.The 'et al.' is not italicised in the in-text citations.

[1]     B. A. Mytschell et al., Engineering Education for Sustainable Development. London: John Wiley & Sons, 2010, pp. 37–44.

Book: Corporate author

Victoria University [4, p.17] describes the use of ...

Note: Various associations, government agencies, institutions or corporations may be corporate authors. 

[4]    Victoria University, IEEE Editorial Style Manual, Melbourne: Maribrynong Press, 2014.

Book: No author The referencing style details are described in [2].

[2]    The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2010.

Note: The title is moved to the first place in the reference entry.

Book: Editor The chemical storage device that captures energy from the sun was presented in [19].

[19]     D. Habbara, Ed., Chemical Characterisation of Sub-micron Aerosols. Boston, Kluwer, 2013.

Note: For more than one editor, use Eds.

Book: Translator The process is described in [2, p. 245] ...

[2]   Y. D. Ephraim, trans., Speech Signal Processing. Berlin: Springer, 2013.

Chapter or part of a book to which a number of authors have contributed

Rohsenow [4] states that the heat transfer ...


Tien, Lin, and Zhukauska stated in [3, p. 45] that the time ...

[4]     W. M. Rohsenow, “Heat Transmission,” in Thermal Radiation Properties, vol. 3, M. W. Catton and J. P. Hartnett, Eds. New York: Macmillan, 2012, pp. 37–62.

[3]     L. C. Tien, C. C. Lin, and A. Zhukauska, “Fluid mechanics of heat pipes,” in A Heat Transfer Textbook, 2nd ed. M. N. Ozisik, R. D. Cess, S. W. Chi, Eds. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2011, pp. 42–52.

Book which is a volume within a multiple volume work The thermodynamics aspects of the heat exchangers for the high-capacity coolers have been studied in [6], and it is shown …

[6]    R. E. Ziemer, Principles of Communications Systems, 2nd ed., vol. 3. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2015, pp. 8892.

Note: Provide volume if book is a multivolume work, e.g. vol. 7. Where edition and volume numbers are present, include a comma after the edition number. 

Electronic book (with DOI)

Management is described as a 'misunderstood area of engineering' [14, p. 35].

[14]    C. Kahraman and S. C. Onar, Handbook of Engineering Management. Cham, Switzerland: Oxford Butterworth-Heinemann, 2015. [Online]. doi: 10.1115/1.1646419

Note: Refer to DOI in IEEE for further information. Where there is a DOI available, do not include wording ‘Available’ nor the Access Date.

Electronic book (without DOI)

According to [2], engineers are entering tertiary education without ...

As shown in [12], electrical engineering is the field of ...

[2]     D. Ashby, Electrical Engineering 101: Everything You Should Have Learned In School – But Probably Didn’t. Boston, MA: Newnes, 2012. Accessed on: Oct., 25, 2013, pp. 13–17. [Online]. Available: 

[12]     D. H. Johnson, Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering One. Houston, TX: Rice University Connexions, 2013. Accessed on: Sep., 25, 2014. [Online]. Available:  

Note: Refer to DOI in IEEE for further information. 


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