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Littman Library Resources for Faculty at the Hillier College of Architecture and Design: Online resources and Services:

On-site assistance

On-site assistance is available at all times the library is open. You can contact us by phone/email to schedule an appointment to discuss resources for your courses, make suggestions, or talk about general and course-specific information sessions and research guides.

Remote Access and Inter Library Loan

To access all electronic resources restricted to the NJIT community from off-campus you will be asked to authenticate using your UCID.  You may also use a VPN to access the library, but it is not necessary. Check the website for detailed information on accessing resources remotely. 
Subject access to the journal literature in architecture, art, design, and other subject areas is provided by a variety of databases. For material not owned by the NJIT Library, Interlibrary Loan Services will still be available.


Tutotrials that can be incorporated into your Canvas courses

Teaching online

Below is the created by Professor Taher and generously shared with us three video tutorials for online teaching which "cover the essential information that faculty need to know to do the most important things. They also show examples of Prof. Taher's architecture online courses.

1- Video 1 shows how to record and post lectures online to Moodle or Canvas using the Kaltura software.

How to Record and Post Online Lectures

2- Video 2 shows how to create and proctor online exams using the Respondus LockDown Browser + webcam and ProctorU.

Online Exams and Proctoring

3- Video 3 has a few more helpful hints and practical information on the following: 

- how to link to external websites such as "youtube" in Canvas or Moodle to show videos.
- how to load video files, such as MP3 or MP4 files, to the Mediaspace Gallery.
 - how to use the Program OneNote in online teaching.
 - how to share links to your video lectures with colleagues by email.

More Examples and Helpful Hints "

If you have questions regarding these tutorials you can contact professor Taher at 

If you need instructional support you can contact the NJIT Office of Digital Learning

More information instructional continuity available at

Research Help

Research help can be provided by email, chat, or video conference using Google Meet, Zoom, WebEx , or Skype - whichever method works best for you.

Numerous Research Guides can help to navigate the library and online resources on a variety of subjects. We currently have over 40 guides related to architecture and design! There are also more general guides.

Please contact us if you want to include in your course the library Canvas module.

Online Resources

There is a variety of online resources available at NJIT

 Databases: Below are just a few recommended databases related to topics of architecture and design that have content readily available online. A full list of databases can be found on the library website.

  • Artstor  - A database of over 2 million images of art, architecture, design, science, technology, anthropology, and more!
  • Avery Index- indexes major architectural periodicals and provides information on architecture, landscape architecture, interior design
  • Detail Inspiration - an online version of Detail Magazine
  • El Croquis Digital - PDFs of El Croquis issues
  • Grove Dictionary of Art Online - contains articles on every aspect of the visual arts 
  • Jstor - Database containing full-text articles covering a wide range of subjects. 
  • Digital Archive of Newark Architecture -  A database of information on Newark including maps, images, articles, and student work.
  • Pluralsight - Software video tutorials 

E-books: The library has access to a great variety of electronic books that can be downloaded and viewed at any time, from anywhere. To search for e-books from the online catalog, limit results to available online. To download e-books, you will need to log in using your UCID. Detailed information on e-books at NJIT including information on software needed to view downloaded books is available on the library website. 

Web Resources: There are many reputable resources online for studying architecture and design. A comprehensive list of these resources is available on our Research in Architecture and Design Lib Guide.

Below are a few recently acquired resources that we recommend:

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