•Use images that are in Public Domain, OA materials, Creative Commons and other licensed resources
•The works selected should further the teacher’s substantive pedagogical objectives. It is better to directly critique or comment on the image, explaining how it relates to a larger point.
•When displayed, images should be accompanied by attribution of the original work as is customary in the field, to the extent possible.
•“If providing downloadable images online is justified by the teacher’s objectives, those images should be suitable in size for satisfactory full-screen projection or display on a personal computer or mobile device, but generally not larger”(College Art Association)
•“The copyright in an architectural work that has been constructed does not include the right to prevent the making, distributing, or public display of pictures, paintings, photographs, or other pictorial representations of the work, if the building in which the work is embodied is located in or ordinarily visible from a public place” (Visual Resources Association)
•Acknowledgment of the source material (such as citing the photographer) may be a consideration in a fair use determination, but it will not protect against a claim of infringement.