A leading multidisciplinary research database. It provides acclaimed full-text journals, magazines, and other valuable resources from 1970 to the present time.
An online repository of environmental literature and multimedia related to New Jersey. The digital collection includes documents and reports, scientific studies, photographs, videos and maps.
Abstracts and citations of peer-reviewed literature covering the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts, and humanities from 1960 to the present.
The most comprehensive discovery tool of chemical information, SciFinder is a user-friendly version of Chemical Abstracts. This web-based research discovery tool allows access to a wide variety of research disciplines, including biochemistry, chemistry, chemical engineering, materials sciences, physics, environmental science, and engineering.
These are a few selected "high-impact factor" journals in the environmental sciences, which means the articles published in them tend to be more heavily cited by other studies. Click on the links below to access online copies.
Water Research publishes refereed, original research papers on all aspects of the science and technology of water quality and its management worldwide.