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Savvy Researcher: Create and Manage Your Online Scholarly Presence

Free on the Web

orcid logoOpen Researcher and Contributor ID.  It provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes each researcher from every other researcher.  For people with common names, this is extremely important, but it also has many other advantages. View a 1-minute video on ORCID.  Register for ORCID here. Also check out this ORCID guide, which covers integrating ORCID with other IDs and how to best use the service.

google scholar logoCreate your Google Scholar profile here. Google Scholar also provides information on setting up your profile and information on article citations.

Search your name through regular Google and other search engines to see what information is available; are you comfortable with what is viewable? Take steps to remove content you would not want others to see and adjust your privacy settings as needed.

Do You Obey Public-Access Mandates?  Google Scholar is Watching.

research gate

Research Gate is a free social media site for scholars, to share their work, citations and publications, endorsements, statistics, and a live feed of articles pertinent to their scholarship. See your NJIT colleagues who are registered.  See who is reading your work.  Register for Research Gate or learn more about their privacy standards. is another social media site for scholars.  It allows you to share your papers, see analytics on your publications, and converse with other scholars in your field.'s copyright FAQ is also important to be aware of. Register for your profile. 


microsoft academic logo

To create a Microsoft Academic Profile, go here.

To have your journal included in Microsoft Academic, first make sure that your publications are indexed by Bing. Use the Bing Webmaster Tools to ensure that Bing is properly indexing your site. Second, to improve the discoverability and inclusion of your content, be sure to follow the web standards for HTML meta tags for academic content.





Scopus: How Author Profiles work and how they can help showcase your research   (Scroll down to view video)

digital commons at New Jersey Institute of Technology

Contact your librarian to add your publications to the Digital Commons, NJIT Library's new institutional repository of faculty research, publications, and university records, and special collections.


Thomson Reuters Web of Science

The original Science and Social Science Citation Indexes, now called Web of Science.  It is an online subscription-based scientific citation indexing service originally produced by the Institute for Scientific Information, now maintained by Clarivate Analytics, that provides a comprehensive citation search. While NJIT does not have a subscription, you may use it in-person at Rutgers.

Subject Specific Sites

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