VISIBILITY - increased visibility means larger audience
- write to be found: write effective titles and abstracts, assign keywords, tags, and subjects, use synonyms, use SVG images (so they could be indexed and retrieved)
- consider publishing negative or inconclusive results
- enhance your publications with supplemental materials (tables, datasets, filesets, presentations, video and audio files, etc)
- retain copyright - this will allow you to maximize your options for dissemination
- choose open access publishing (open access, fee-based open access, or delayed open access journals)
- use social media to disseminate information on your papers and research
- develop your academic profile so it will include all your academic and social media scholarly activity (post manuscripts of publications, conference abstracts, and supplemental materials such as images, illustrations, slides, specimens, blogs, podcasts,etc.)
AVAILABILITY - ensure permanent and stable access to your work
- have a data management plan
- get permanent identifiers for your work (DOI, ARK, EZID)
- post your publications to open access repositories