Library of Congress Classification for:
Film Studies:
PN1993 - PN1999
(For a more detailed breakdown see Oxford's Film Studies Classification Guide.)
Video Art:
TR845 - TR899
Get started by searching these subject headings or keywords in the online library catalogs. The catalog will return results for print and e-books. Books+ will search most of the library's print and electronic holdings, including databases.
Catalog (Print books and e-books): Architecture in motion pictures.
Search All (Books, articles, databases, etc.): Architecture in motion pictures
Art and motion pictures
Motion pictures--Setting and scenery
Motion picture -- Art direction
Newspapers can be helpful resources for news, editorials, or reviews on a particular film. Nexis Uni would be your best bet for finding this type of coverage.
(Note that full text coverage for some newspapers is limited. For example, full text for The New York Times only goes back to 1980. However, we do have earlier coverage in print! See New York Times Film Reviews)
Google Scholar is useful for known item searching (when you know the specific article, book, or dissertation title you're looking for), however it can be tricky for general keyword or subject searches. For example, one of the first results for the keyword search on film and architecture returns a citation for a film course's Wordpress blog (which is interesting, but not necessarily scholarly).