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Open Educational Resources (OER)

Select Open Textbooks

This open resource is a collection of class activities for use in undergraduate courses aimed at teaching mathematical computing, and computational thinking in general, using the python programming language. It was developed for a second-year course (MTH 271) revamped for a new undergraduate program in data science at Portland State University. The activities are designed to guide students' use of python modules effectively for scientific computation, data analysis, and visualization.

Engineering OER and Open Textbook Resources

Biomedical Engineering

Mechanics of Biomaterials - Aims to serve as a forum for communicating the latest findings and trends in the study of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials

Inorganic Biomaterials - Discusses specific fundamental aspects of inorganic biomaterials and their biomedical and dental applications.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Introduction to Hydrology - Developed by Professor Steve Margulis at UCLA. This free textbook provides a broad foundation in the topics of hydrologic science including: mass balance, basic atmospheric thermodynamics, radiation, atmospheric circulation, precipitation, snow, evapotranspiration, unsaturated flow and infiltration, groundwater, and runoff.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

A First Course in Electrical & Computer Engineering - Developed by Louis Scharf at Colorado State University. This book was written for an experimental freshman course at the University of Colorado. The course is now an elective that the majority of our electrical and computer engineering students take in the second semester of their freshman year, just before their first circuits course

Electromagnetics Volume 1  - Developed by Steven W. Ellingson this is a 224 page, freely available, peer-reviewed, full color, print and digital open educational resource. It is intended to serve as a primary textbook for a one-semester first course in undergraduate engineering electromagnetics within the third year of a bachelor of science degree program.

Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 1 - Developed by Don Jonson at Rice University. The course focuses on the creation, manipulation, transmission, and reception of information by electronic means. Elementary signal theory; time- and frequency-domain analysis; Sampling Theorem. Digital information theory; digital transmission of analog signals; error-correcting codes

Mechanical Engineering

Basics of Fluid Mechanics - Developed by Genick Bar-Meir at Colorado State University. This book describes the fundamentals of fluid mechanics phenomena for engineers and others. This book is designed to replace all introductory textbooks or instructor’s notes for the fluid mechanics in undergraduate classes for engineering/science students but also for technical peoples. It is hoped that the book could be used as a reference book for people who have at least some basic knowledge of science areas such as calculus, physics, etc.

Repositories & Supplemental OER Materials

Short Online Courses

Computational Electronics - Developed by Dragica Vasileska, Arizona State University. Introduces students to all semi-classical semiconductor device modeling techniques that are implemented in either commercial or publicly available software. Helps students to understand when one can use drift-diffusion model and when it is necessary to use hydrodynamic, lattice heating, and even particle-based simulations. 


National Academies Press - The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine are private, nonprofit institutions that provide expert advice on some of the most pressing challenges facing the nation and the world. The National Academies Press (NAP) publishes the reports of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The NAP offers more than 8,500 titles in PDF format. Almost all of these PDFs can be downloaded for free by the chapter or the entire book. Many of the books published by the Transportation Research Board are available as free PDFs through NAP.

NJIT Library Resources

The Library provides access to databases that contain e-books, e-journals, images, videos, etc. that can be used to supplement textbooks and other course materials. To learn more, see the following: 

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