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This handy libguide will tell you everything you need to know about citations and how to organize them.

What is APA?

APA is a citation format commonly found in the social and behavioral sciences. If your research has a humanities bent, such as the exploration of ethics or morals within a piece of technology, it may also be appropriate to use APA for your papers. STEM professors will also sometimes encourage or allow their students to use APA.

APA Style @ Purdue OWL is a best-bet resource to learn about APA style. Information on citing most sources may be found here. For more rare situations, please consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) found at the Research Help Desk in Van Houten Library at NJIT. 

Examples of APA citation style

Journal article with a DOI

Schmidt, M.A. (2020). The NASA Twins Study: The Effect of One Year in Space on Long-Chain Fatty Acid Desaturases and Elongases. Lifestyle Genomics, 13(3), 107-121.
Biasini, B., Rosi, A., Giopp, F., Donati, M., Arfini, F., & Scazzina, F. (2019). Food waste and children’s preferences towards vegetables in primary schools: Two Italian case studies. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 29(8), 882.

Newspaper article

Lu, Y. (2024, February 28). Digital Media Outlets Sue OpenAI for Copyright Infringement. The New York Times.

Trade publications

White, L. (2023). Creating Efficiencies in Sushi Stations. Foodservice Equipment & Supplies: FE&S, 76(8), 76–79.

Magazine articles

From honky-tonk to TikTok. (2023, September 9). The Economist, 448(9362), 78, 79.


Cheng, Eugenia. (2023). Is Maths Real? How simple questions lead us to mathematics’ simple truth. Basic Books.

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