What is a trade publication?
Trade publications are professional news publications that professional organizations use to communicate new research, job opportunities, anything that a group of professionals with common interests might want to know about.
What is a good strategy to find trade publications?
Get to know the the professional organizations in your field. Our library research guides have lists of some good organizations to get to know. On their websites, take a look at their publications -- sometimes they're free, sometimes they're not. If they're not see if you can get access to the articles by looking for the title using the NJIT Library Journal Finder.
What are some examples of trade publications?
Check out our full list of research guides -- our subject guides have lists of professional societies -- investigate their websites to see what kind of research is going on with their members.
Why search for news?
Newspapers give you a well written report on new developments that are of interest to the "genera public". Newspapers like the New York Times and Wall Street Journal follow journalistic standards before publishing content. Newspaper articles can be a great way to find out about research -- a good strategy is to chase down the original research article mentioned in the article.
Important: You must register using your NJIT UCID username/email to obtain access to NYTimes Online. NJIT students, faculty, and staff have 24/7 unlimited access including mobile access to the latest news with the ability to save and set up alerts on articles from 1851 to the present. Limited access to archive content: 5 articles per day for content from 1851 to 2002. This includes access to the InEducation academic resources or learning tools.
Search tip: When using these databases, limit your search by document or publication type to just get these types of resources.