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Guide to ORCID: Getting Started

Initially Setting up your Account

Setting up an ORCID account is simple and private. Register here.

While registering is the first step, there are a few things that you must do to make your account more efficient and distinguish yourself from other scholars. 

Find more information about your rights and the benefits of subscribing.

Now What?

An ORCID blog post explains all of the steps you should go through after registering in order to get the most out of your account. 

In summary:

1) Fill out as much personal information as you can. Make sure you include any variations of your name that you have published under. Adding your country, websites, and keywords will make your profile more efficent. 

2) Add all of your e-mails-- past and current. This will help eliminate duplicate accounts that your employer or library might have set up for you.

3) Add your education. Make sure that you enter the most broad affiliations first. For example, start with the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign. Afterwards you will be able to add your departmental affiliation. 

4) Add your publications. You can do this two different ways. You can either enter them manually or you can use an importing wizard to pull information from another account that you have. Once you go to the Import Works page, you will find a list of organizations/ programs that ORCID is compatible with. Going through the importing wizard can also be helpful because it links the two accounts which sometimes results in giving your other account (ResearcherID, Scopus ID, etc.) your ORCID number. 

- CrossRef has information for all journal articles that have a DOI

- DataCite has information for all datasets that have a DOI


5) Add your funding. You can optionally add information for any grant or contract that you have been awarded. 

6) Keep your account up to date. Your account won't function to its full capacity if you aren't adding new publications. You can simplify this process by including your ORCID iD on publication and grant submissions. 

7) Include your ORCID iD (the full URL) on your website, CV, and business cards so that others can easily find your information. 


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