Is ORCID just for articles?
No, ORCID can be used for almost any type of research, including datasets, grants, and monographs.Read more.
Can ORCID information be added in non-Latin characters?
Yes! This information can be downloaded in or entered manually. You can also search with non-Latin characters. These are supported by Unicode encoding.
What will my ORCID profile look like?
You can find an example of a profile. This profile is a UIUC staff member's and might be more extensive than yours if you are a graduate assistant or just starting your research.
What is ORCID's data security policy?
All data is protected by and regulated by the Safe Harbor Principles from the U.S. Department of Commerce, regardless of how or where it is stored.
Will I ever be charged for ORCID?
ORCID only charges organizations that have memberships. These organizations have different benefits than individual accounts. Read more.