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Open and Affordable Textbook Program: Past Awardees & Projects

Projected Cost Savings

To date (spring 2021), the OAT Program has brought an estimated savings of $1,192,678 to 8,705 NJIT students. Below are the savings by academic year.

Academic Year Cost Savings

The NJIT OAT Initiative realized a total cost savings and impact for academic year 2019-2020:

  • Total savings of $19,603
  • Total number of students impacted - 98
  • Total number of course curriculum redesigned - 3
  • Total number of faculty participated - 3
  • Colleges represented - 2 (CSLA), 1 (MTSoM)
  • Total grant awarded - $3,000
  • List of Awardees and Projects completed during AY 2019-2020.

Cumulative projected savings for all OAT courses taught in for AY2020, AY2019,and AY2018

  • Total projected savings of $528,634 and impacted 2,310 students from courses redesigned in the current year (AY2020) and the previous years (AY2029, and AY2018).

OAT Course Syllabi

The NJIT OAT Initiative realized a total cost savings and impact for academic year 2018-2019:

  • Total savings of $396,370
  • Total number of students impacted - 2,442
  • Total number of course curriculum redesigned - 6
  • Total number of faculty participated - 6
  • Colleges represented - 2 (NCE), 3 (CSLA), 1 (MTSoM)
  • Total grant awarded - $10,000
  • List of Awardees and Projects completed during AY 2018-2019.

Cumulative projected savings for all OAT courses taught in AY2018 and AY2019

  • Total projected savings of $513,894 and impacted 3,975 students from courses redesigned in both AY2018 (previous awardees) and AY2019 (new awardees).

OAT Course Syllabi

New Jersey Institute of Technology
University Heights, Newark, New Jersey 07102-1982
(973) 596-3206
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