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ENGL 101/102

This handy libguide provides support and suggested resources for English Composition.


Finding Background Information

At this stage of your research, you're exploring. Background information is crucial in this phase. What sources can help you learn more about your topic, so that you can narrow it down into a "working research question" with a clear purpose?

Use this page to identify sources to help you gather background information that you can use to write a proposal -- or help you learn more about aspects of your research as you continue to discover more about your topic. We have picked a few databases and news sites to help you get started. Choose one of them for your initial search.

Best Bets -- Library Databases

Best Bets -- Newspapers

Try These Strategies

Search for books:

Books can be a great source of background information. Search the NJIT Library for books on your topic -- both print and electronic. Go to the "Books" tab on the NJIT Library website.

Search for government information:

The federal government is the largest publisher in the U.S. Append "" to a websearch to find information published by federal, state and local government agencies. The search "food waste" and on google finds background information from the USDA on this topic.

Search for organizations interested in your topic:

What professional or trade organizations might have an interest in your topic? Are you writing about mental health and social media? A web search for mental health and social media organization turns up multiple organizations that are concerned with this issue.

For Example

Example 1

If you are exploring a research question on the impact of technology on some aspect of society, start by searching and exploring sources:

Try Technology and Society from the Opposing Viewpoints database. This resource gives a lot of narrower topic ideas on this very broad subject.

Example 2

If you are interested in learning more about social media use and mental health, you might search Academic Search Premier to see a wide variety of newspaper, magazine and research articles such as: 

Magazine articles:

Marshall, Michael. (2024). Digital Damage. New Scientist, 262 (3496), 31–35. 

Odgers, C. L., Hayes, G. R., (2024). Let's stop shaming teens about social media use. Educational Leadership, 81(5), 38–43. 

Example 3

If you are looking for information on barriers to adopting self-driving cars, search for books in the NJIT Library collection. Here are some examples of print and online library books on "autonomous vehicles":

Want to Learn More?

Want to learn more about why background information will help you write a great paper?

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