Using your course syllabus:
a) Try to locate an OER textbook resource using a small OER repository. Were you able to quickly locate a suitable textbook? If not, skip to b).
b) Try to locate an OER textbook resource but this time using a larger OER database. Were you able to quickly find a suitable textbook? If so, what strategy did you use to locate a replacement textbook?
c) Try to locate supplementary material (diagram, video explanation, group exercise) for your course using an OER repository. What types of resources did you notice were available in the repository? Would you incorporate them in your course?
Exercise: Using your course syllabus and a search engine of your choice, locate a publicly available (non-textbook ) supplementary resource (video, image, webpage...) for your course.
Reviewing the content, do you have any issues preventing you from incorporating this resource in your course?
Exercise: Using your course syllabus, utilize the NJIT library search tool ( to locate relevant resources for your course.
a) Try to locate supplementary material (diagrams, video explanations, group exercises) for your course. What types of resources did you find? Would you incorporate them in your course?
b) Search the Proquest eBook Central database, and locate a replacement textbook. Were you able to locate a suitable replacement? If so, are there any issues preventing you from using the resource?