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Finding Information on Designers: Welcome

Research Tips

Read monographs, histories and exhibition catalogs (pay attention to footnotes).
Locate journal articles by searching databases specialized in art, architecture and design.
Find credible information on the Internet (some recommended sources are listed on the library website and in the “History of Art and Design” research guide).
While searching online resources, consider alternative names of art works and various spelling of artists’ names to improve your results.

Sources of Information

Library catalogs (NJIT, Rutgers, Worldcat)

Indices & Databases (Avery Index, Academic Search Premier, OminFile, Art Full Text and Art Index Retrospective, Bibliography of the History of Art)

Museum collections (MOMA, Victoria & Albert, Design Museum, MAD, Cooper Hewitt, Vitra, Centre Pompidou)

Youtube and TV channels (OvationPBS, TED) (you might consider using advance search and filters to get better results)

Designers' Websites

Collections of Images (Littman Library Image Database)

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