Grey Literature
Scholarly Publishing
- Blogs, Social Media, books
- Least rigorous
- Little to no review
- Typically fastest publication process
- Industry and government reports
- Moderately rigorous
- Administrative review
- Publication process can vary
- Journals and conference papers
- Most rigorous
- Peer Review
- Can be a long process
Reader access to journal content depends on the journal’s distribution model. The broad types of journals are traditional, Open Access, and hybrid. There are peer-reviewed journals in each of these models, however the access and distribution of these journals differ.
Traditionally, authors will transfer the rights to their works to the publisher and the publisher will charge readers to access the content. These journals use a subscription model for universities and institutions to pay for access to the journal’s content. In this subscription model, large publishers will offer bundles of journals at different costs to the university. These subscription costs are extremely expensive and many libraries struggle to maintain paying these subscriptions. Open Access publishing has emerged as a solution to these extreme costs.