Welcome to the Littman Library - the only branch library on campus. This guide will introduce you to all that is offered to faculty of the College of Architecture and Design at the Littman Library and through the library's website.
The library has a variety of collections and a large part of them is circulating. Everybody holding a validated NJIT ID card may borrow materials from the library, but first needs to apply at the circulation desk for a library barcode sticker. This barcode number will allow you to borrow books, including materials not owned by NJIT by using the Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery services. You will also need to have your UCID and password to remotely access our databases, journals and reserve readings. The Library offers many services to our users, among them printing, photocopying and scanning, borrowing presentation equipment and digital cameras, accessing traditional and online reserves, references assistance and subject consultations, as well as workshops and Information Literacy instruction sessions. Learn more about Littman Library and its services at the "Getting Started" page and Introduction to the Littman Library research guide.