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JoVE - Journal of Visualized Experiments

Integrating JoVE with Canvas

  1. Head to

  1. Login with your UCID

  1. Click on courses on the left menu bar

  1. Select your subject/course (Chemistry 101, Economics 241, etc.). For this tutorial we will be using "course".

  1. Select "+ Page"

  1. Fill out your title

  1. Place your course information here

  1. To attach a JoVE video, select the "plugin" tool

  1. Select View All to see the entire plugin list

  1. A popup window will display all the plunging available 

  1. Select "JoVE LTI Tool"

  1. The JoVE LTI Tool will request what "content type" you would like. For this tutorial we will be selecting "Videos".

  1. Select your course subject. For this tutorial we selected "Biology".

  1. In this portion select your specified topic. For this tutorial we selected "Core Biology".

  1.  Our tutorial selected choice of "Core Biology" narrows the subject into specified fields. For demonstration purposes we selected "Chemistry of Life".

  1. Your selected option will display a list of videos to choose from. You may select multiple playlists. In this tutorial we selected "The Periodic Table and Organismal Elements" by clicking the "+" icon as shown.

  1. Click on "Submit"

  1. Your selected video will populate 

  1. Clicking on "Save & Publish" will finalize the course creation. You can always revise and edit your course as needed. Clicking on "Save" will save your course but not be published.

 *Disclaimer: Viewing your course in "student mode" will display an error, an example would be "error 401". Please disregard this error notification.

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