Have you noticed that you have to pay for some journal articles and not others? Have you noticed the term "Open Access" being used to describe "free" articles?
Open Access is a movement developed by scholars and librarians to make sure that scientific research is avaialble to readers at no cost. You can find open access articles in a journal which charges for some articlse and not others -- or you can find journals that are complately open access.
Learn more about Open Access:
Open Access and Why Does it Matter? a research guide from Brown University
Wikipedia's Open Access page
SPARC is a leading organization in the Open Access movement
The US government has mandated that all federally funded research results be open access. Read the White House press release about it.
You search for resources using Google Scholar or MEDLINE or Web of Science – how do you know the reputation or quality of the journals you find? How do you know – especially when searching Google Scholar – that what you find isn’t a predatory journal?
Here are some sources and methods that scholars use to assess the quality and reputation of a journal.