There are four ways to find articles from the library homepage:
Known Article: For an article you already know about use the Search Everything tab from the library homepage (i.e. paste in the title or title words and author's last name)
By Keyword: To find articles on a subject use the Search Everything tab and type in subject keywords or choose a subject specific database to narrow the search pool. (This searches almost all of the library databases at once.)
Within a Specific Journal: Use the Journals+ tab to search for a specific periodical title (i.e. Harvard Business Review) to locate the journal on the library website. Choose the database based on dates available. Then browse by date or issue, or search within the title.
By Subject: Choose the Databases tab and select a database related to the subject you want to search. Use the drop-down for our frequently used databases, use the A-Z link if you know which database you want, or use "databases by subject" to find databases that cover your subject. Hard to choose? Contact a librarian.